A Detection Issue is when your computer is not connecting to your Melco machine. There could be several reasons for this; either physical connection or software settings. The pictures below show what this problem looks like in the Advanced User Interface or in the Simplified User Interface.
This is what the Operating Software will look like if no Melco machine is being detected in the Advanced UI. (Blank grey screen)
This is what the Operating Software will look like if no Melco machine is being detected if your software includes the Simplified UI. (Question Mark over the machine)
If you are getting a detection issue, follow the troubleshooting steps below. (Note: Routine background computer updates can cause errors even if it has been working previously.)
1. If you see the graphic of a Machine with Question Mark (above), Switch to the Advanced OS.
2. Check for any error messages, such as: Initializing Machine - Please Wait.
3. Check your computer's recognition of the Windows Connection.
4. Select the correct adapter.
- If there is no adapter to select, check steps 5 through 10. Then do steps 12 and 13, then 11, before continuing with step 14.
- If the correct adapter is not listed, but other adapters are, check step 7, before continuing with step 5.
- If the adapter un-selects itself regularly, you might need additional technical assistance. Here are the available Melco Technical Support options.
- If the correct adapter is selected, continue with the steps below.
5. Check the LED Light on the keypad.
- If it’s Green (not blinking) continue with step 6.
- If it’s Blinking Green, review this Keypad Status Light Conditions article.
- If there is No Light on the keypad, follow the steps in this support article.
- If it’s Red and constant slow beeping, hold down Stop, Laser & Frame Back buttons to disable Sequin Device.
- If it’s Red, release the Emergency Stop Button:
6. If your machine has a 34799 Main-PCB, try Network "Pairing" Feature. Hold in the Stop and Center buttons for 7 seconds, you should hear 5 beeps. Try this twice if the computer does not detect the machine the first time. If you do not hear 5 beeps, you will need additional technical assistance There might be an issue with one of the motors. Here are the available Melco Technical Support options.
7. Power Cycle the Computer and Machine.
8. If you have a 34799 Main-PCB, try Advanced Network "Pairing" Feature. If the machines are not staying in the claimed list and you are using two PCI cards for different machines, change the configuration so only one PCI card is being used.
9. It's important to note that AMAYA OS v10.01.001, Melco OS, and Bravo OS should NOT be run in Compatibility Mode. For earlier versions of AMAYA OS software, verify the correct Compatibility Mode Settings. Please review the instructions in the Compatibility Mode document to verify software version compatibility and to enable that mode as well as running the software as an Administrator in Windows.
10. Verify the Physical Connection with one machine plugged directly into the computer. While the machine is off, the Control Panel - Change Adapter Settings should show a Red X. Melco machines require a dedicated connection. Internet should not be connected with the same Ethernet as the machines.
12. Check your Anti-Virus Software.
13. Uninstall and Reinstall the Operating Software.
14. Refresh the /mc Registry. This change should only be made by someone who is experienced with making Windows Registry modifications. Here are the available Melco Technical Support options.
15. Verify that IPv6 network protocols are enabled. (34799 Main-PCB only)
16. If using a network hub for multiple machines, verify that the connection from the computer to the hub is a Straight-Through Cable.
17. Verify your Machine isn’t Randomly Disconnecting From the Operating Software.
18. (This step should only be done by an experienced IT professional) Uninstall the Ethernet Adapter from Device Manager (do not delete the software driver). Use Scan For Hardware Changes to allow Windows to reinstall the Ethernet Adapter.
19. If you are using a network port/network adapter built into the computer which isn't functioning properly, try using a USB to Ethernet Adapter as a work-around.
20. If you are using a Mac computer, try using a Windows computer that isn't virtual. For more information see Melco Software on Apple/Mac Computers.
21. If the situation remains unresolved, you will need additional technical assistance. Here are the available Melco Technical Support options.
- An Ethernet Crossover Cable might be necessary (for machines with 31058-19 or older Main-PCB)
- If using a USB to Ethernet adapter, try a different brand/model.
- Try using a different computer
- For machines with 31058-19 (or older) Main-PCBs; when turning on the machine, if the laser light stays on, you might need to replace the Main-PCB. The machine might also need a replacement Selector Harness.
- Update your software to the most recent version.
- With the power off unplug the Z Motor and then turn the machine on. For this symptom verify if; 34799 Main-PCB pairing beeps 5 times.