
Machine Stopped with Needle Down (Clearing Z Bind)

If a Z Bind occurs during sewing, your Melco machine may stop with the needle down to prevent damage to the machine. Follow the steps below to resolve the bind. If you Spiked a Hoop, or if a Clamp hit the Needle Case you will likely need to contact a Melco Certified Technician.

Between each step check for a Z Bind again, to see if the issue is resolved, if not continue to the next step.


1.  Check if the bind occurs below the Needle Plate Hole, if it does, remove the Needle Plate.

  • If the bind occurs on the Needle Plate, check for a Needle Plate CenteringNeedle Drops Forward, or Upper Arm Adjustment issue.


2.  If you have an EMT16X or a converted NPT (Needle Plate Trimmer), make sure you Set the Knife To Home. Remove the needle plate to confirm if you are still getting a Z bind.

3.  If your machine is Z Binding with the Needle Plate off of the machine, check that the Hook Basket is not spinning freely.


4.  If you receive a Z axis tracking after doing the 30,000,000 Maintenance, check if the Upper Presser Foot Bearing is caught on the top of the Connecting Rod.

5.  If you have not recently done the 30,000,000 Maintenance, but the presser-foot is above the Needle Clamp, pull it back slightly out of the way of the clamp.


6.  If your presser-foot is stuck between needles, Power Cycle the machine. If the presser-foot is still stuck between needles, try removing the Needle Bar. If you cannot remove the bar you will most likely need a Melco Certified Technician. Check to see if you are getting a Machine attempts to color change past Needle #16 or #1 issue. If the presser-foot is very evenly positioned between needles, it might also be possible to free the bind with a wrench. This could break a drive stud or reciprocator, you will need additional technical assistance to confirm this. Here are the available Melco Technical Support options.


If the Needle Bar is too far off center from the Presser-foot, it might not be possible to break the bind, even if a Needle Bar is going up and down with the Presser-foot..

7.  If the Grabber is stuck behind the Needle Bar, remove the Needle Clamping Block.


8.  There might be a broken needle point stuck in the hook.  Blow Canned Air into the hook to try and clear the broken point.

9.  Follow the steps to Remove the Rotary Hook for EMT16 and EMT16Plus. If you have an XT or XTS machine, skip this step. Remember to follow the linked articles steps to reinstall the hook before trying to sew.  With the Hook removed, check to see if the basket spins freely.

10.  Check for Z Binding caused by the Drive Studs.

Do not remove the Upper Arm Side Covers to verify unless instructed to. CAUTION!! If your machine color changes without the Right Upper Arm Front Cover, damage to your machine will occur and a service call will be necessary, Melco will not be responsible for any damage to the machine or related service costs caused by not performing this step.

It is difficult to see, but if you look between the Upper Arm and the Needle Case, you will see the Drive Studs, and Reciprocator.

    • The bottom left picture below shows what it looks like with the cover still attached. In that picture the Stud is above the Reciprocator, in this state the machine requires a Melco Certified Technician.
    • If the Stud is below the Reciprocator (bottom right picture), you might be able to Remove the Needle Bar to free the bind.
    • If the Stud is inside the Reciprocator (top picture), this is normal, continue with the steps below.


mceclip5.png    mceclip6.png

In the picture on the left, the Drive Stud (Blue) is above the Reciprocator (Red). In the picture on the right, it’s below it.


You can spin the Z Shaft while looking behind the needle case. You should see the Reciprocator move. The Drive Stud might move or might stay stationary.

11.  Remove the Needle Bar if possible.

12.  There might be a thread bind around the Cam. If you have a XT or XTS machine, consider if you need to break the sinew. You will need additional technical assistance. Here are the available Melco Technical Support options.

13.  There might be a broken needle point stuck in the hook. Follow the steps to Remove the Rotary Hook for, XT and XTS.  With the Hook removed, check to see if the basket spins freely.

14.  Check the Thread Feed for thread binding.

15.  Check the Take-up Lever Guide Rail for binding.


16.  There might be a thread bind around the Cam. If you have an EMT16, EMT16 PLUS or EMT16X machine, consider if you need to break the sinew. You will need additional technical assistance. Here are the available Melco Technical Support options.

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