
Troubleshooting Operating Software Crashes

Crashing might occur after a specific trigger, or if the computer could not keep up with what it was being asked to do. If your Melco Operating Software exhibits crashing, follow these steps:


1.  Update your software to the most recent software version.

2.  Try to find a common trigger. Some common triggers might be:

3.  Check for errors. Multiple Errors may be displayed. Take note of all errors received.

  • The Procedure entry point <Filename> UBEHXZ could not be located in the dynamic link library StitchGenerator.dll

4.  Uninstall and Reinstall the software.

5.  Check your Anti-Virus Software.

6.  If the situation remains unresolved, you will need additional technical assistance. Here are the available Melco Technical Support options.

  • You might need to turn off your firewall
  • You might need to Refresh the Registry.
  • You might need to do a Clean Uninstall and Reinstall
  • If the crashing occurs when loading a design, try loading 1day.ofm to see if it is design specific.
  • If the crash is design specific, check the path the design is saved to. The computer might not be able to load the design properly from a network drive or external hard drive.
  • If the crash is design specific, try loading the design that crashes on another computer to see if it’s computer specific with that design.
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