Freezing issues will typically happen after a specific trigger that caused the freeze or if the computer could not keep up with what it was being asked to do. If your software is freezing, follow the steps below.
1. Update your software to the most recent software version.
2. Try to find a common trigger. Some common triggers might be:
- When Installing
- When the software is opened
- When the software is opened but only to the Windows Taskbar.
- When turning on the machine
- When a design is loaded
- When sending a design from DesignShop
- Operating Software Freezing (AMAYA OS): When Turning On The Machine
- During Rotary Hook Maintenance
3. Check for errors. Multiple Errors may be displayed. Take note of all errors received.
4. Uninstall and Reinstall the software.
5. If the situation remains unresolved, you will need additional technical assistance. Here are the available Melco Technical Support options.
- Try to Run as Admin.
- You might need to turn off your firewall.
- You might need to turn off antivirus.
- You might need to Refresh the Registry.
- You might need to do a Clean Uninstall and Reinstall
- If the freezing occurs when loading a design, try loading 1day.ofm to see if it is design specific. If it is, try loading the design that freezes on another computer to see if it’s computer specific with that design.
- Check if the Ethernet PCI card is turned off in the Control Panel.