1. With the machine powered on and selected in the Operating Software, open the Tools>Maintenance>Sensors window.
2. With the Emergency Stop engaged, manually push the X carriage all the way to the right. Slowly move the X carriage towards the center and then all the way to the left. You should observe the X Home sensor swap from Open to Blocked (changing state only once) as you cross the center.
3. With the Emergency Stop engaged, manually push the X carriage (and beam above it) all the way to the back. Slowly move it forward, towards the center, and then all the way towards the front. You should observe the Y Home sensor swap from Open to Blocked (changing state only once) as you cross the center.
4. If your sensor does not change state (or changes state multiple times) refer to the troubleshooting steps found here. If the sensor is not responding correctly after these steps are completed, you may need to replace the Optical Switch Assembly (30704-03).