
Updating the Hoops Database

Latest Revision 12.11.23  (rev. 231211)  Adds These Hoops:


This Hoop Database update adds hoops to DesignShop and OS (Advanced Interface) for Melco OS, AMAYA OS, and Bravo OS.  This update will not add hoops to the Simplified Interface (UI), as the hoops are embedded in the Simplified Interface (UI) and cannot be individually/manually updated.

When you update your Hoops Database File, your previous hoops database will be overwritten. Any custom hoops that you manually added in the past will be overwritten. Make a backup copy of the original file to ensure that any manually added hoop data isn't lost.

1.  Check if the hoop is already available by checking the customize hoop list.

2.  Close all Melco Software (DesignShop and Operating Software).

3.  Download the hoop.mdb.

4.  Copy the hoop.mdb file:


5.  Paste the hoop.mdb file into C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Melco\Hoops.

6.  Open the software and check the customize hoop list for the new hoop.

For Amaya OS and DesignShop v9 and earlier only:

Use the Hoop Installation Program or place the hoop.mdb in C:\Program Files (x86)\Melco\AMAYA v10\System and C:\Program Files (x86)\Melco\Design Shop v9\System.


Now Includes:



Alternatively, you can Manually add hoops in Melco OS and AMAYA OS (for XT/XTS, not Bravo machines) by referring to this information.


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