
Loading Design Files to EMT 10T

EMT 10T machines had a disk drive built into them so designs could be loaded directly from diskette.  

Otherwise, the machine would need to be connected to a PC through the ethernet port on a computer running ENS software:

No technical support is available for legacy machines or ENS software. 

Designs can be loaded through ENS if the designs are .EXP format.  An ENS Dongle is needed (no longer produced/available through Melco).   If an ENS Dongle is not already available, contact Melco Sales to purchase a DesignShop v9 Lite license with a USB Dongle.

To install ENS, an installation DVD is needed (PN# 34381) with ENS and the AMAYA OS installation files on it.  Review this article to install ENS in Windows 7, 8 or 10.

Additional Resources:

Online Manuals for EMT 10T.

Other Knowledgebase Articles for Discontinued Legacy Machines and Software.


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