
Windows 11 Compatibility with Melco Software

Current releases of Melco software are compatible with Windows 11.  No compatibility issues are known .

  • Current Releases of Melco OS v11 and Bravo OS v11 and v12 are compatible with Windows 11. If you have a previous version of Melco OS or Bravo OS, contact Melco Technical Support to request an update.  
  • AMAYA OS v10.01.001 (final update) appears to function properly in Windows 11.  Versions of AMAYA OS prior to 10.01.001 may not function properly in Windows 11 (see below).

DesignShop Compatibility with Windows 11

  • DesignShop 11 and DesignShop v10 are compatible with Windows 11.  If you have an early version of DesignShop 10, use the Tools - Check for Updates feature within DesignShop to download and install the latest update.
  • DesignShop 9:   Version 9.00.128 of DesignShop v9 appears to function properly with Windows 11.


Older AMAYA OS software not listed above:

Older versions of Melco software not listed above were not designed to operate on 64-bit Windows operating systems. Running older versions of AMAYA OS software in Compatibility Mode might provide a workaround, though in some instances will not install or function reliably.  Do not use Compatibility Mode with any of the current software versions listed can prevent the software from running properly.


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